Sunday, March 6, 2011

I hate my pathetic excuse of a mother with a passion?

She promised I'll get a ride home after I eat with an uncle. Then she told me to wait 35 minutes cuz she needs to watch tv. I said it's freezing cold, please come pick me up. She said no and that she's watching tv still. I asked, "is tv more important than your son?" then she hung up. I can't wait that long in the restaurant for her selfishness, so I came home soaking wet because of her. So I told her if she apologized, she'll lose one pair of shoes, if not, she'll lose two pairs. So she didn't apologize for her behavior, so I used a scissor to cut two pairs of her shoes. After being a man of my word, she used her shoe (heels) and attacked my arm. Now the skin in my arm is cut with a blood mark, and it's super swollen. I always made it clear that I hated her, and when she's old, I won't see her pathetic ***. I also didn't let her come to my high school graduation. She also won't be attending my future marriage or college graduation. She's a whore and is proud of it. Most of my family members hate her. She looks in my personal things and doesn't give me privacy. What do you guys think?

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